VoSKY Completes ShoreTel’s Technology Partner Program

vosky_logo.gifVoSKY has completed ShoreTel’s Technology Partner Program Certification, and that their flagship product, VoSKY Exchange, has been approved for use with ShoreTel IP telephony systems . ShoreTel is a leading provider of enterprise Pure IP telephony solutions.

ShoreTel’s Technology Partner Program certifies companies that provide products complementing and extending the ShoreTel IP telephony system’s capabilities, providing customers with hardware and software options that optimize their communications infrastructure and investment. Membership in the Technology Partner Program requires that all companies pass ShoreTel's interoperability certification testing in ShoreTel's test lab. Partners also are required to provide integration documentation that makes it easy for customers to leverage these solutions in their networks.

“Being a certified ShoreTel Technology Partner Program is a further proof point of the savings and optimization VoSKY Exchange offers to businesses,” said David Tang, vice president of global marketing, VoSKY Technologies. “This interoperability certification by one of the Industry’s leading IP-PBX vendors continues to substantiate VoSKY as market leader in the Skype for business market.”

“Working with technology partners like VoSKY ensures that our customers can get the solution that works best for them,” said Steve Timmerman, vice president of marketing at ShoreTel. “As companies expand globally, ShoreTel IP telephony solutions equipped with VoSKY Exchange allow them to enhance and expand their communications cost-effectively.”

VoSKY Exchange VoIP gateways dramatically lower business communications costs by optimizing Skype, the world’s largest free VoIP community, for use in a business environment. The Exchange platform maximizes VoIP savings by enabling free calling between company offices in different cities and/or countries, low-cost long distance and international calls to outside phones, remote PBX access for free calls from remote or mobile users, and Web Click-to-Call for free customer calls from corporate websites. Each of the five Exchange models can seamlessly integrate with any TDM or IP PBX phone system through analog trunk or station ports.

VoSKY Exchange is the only enterprise-grade PBX-to-Skype gateway that has earned Skype certification ensuring seamless interoperability with Skype features and services. It centralizes Skype provisioning and management, giving IT managers and network administrators full control. It also Skype-enables every phone extension in the office so that users can make and receive Skype calls without a PC and headset. Calls between Exchange-equipped offices and to other Skype users are free, while calls to traditional phones are charged at SkypeOut rates as low as 2 cents per minute -- even overseas.

Posted on Jul 23, 2007  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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