Mobile VoIP App Now Connects HD VoIP Calls Over a 3G Network at No Extra Charge

A new version of the Call Global iPhone app is now available in iTunes, the latest version of the mobile VoIP app allows users to make high definition VoIP calls over their 3G Network at no extra charge. Mobile VoIP calls are now no longer limited to WIFI zones, iPhone users can now make HD VoIP calls from anywhere their phone has a signal.

iPhone user's will now have the ability to make mobile VoIP calls from anywhere their iPhone has a 3G signal. In the past VoIP calls have been limited to WIFI zones, restricting most free and low-cost VoIP calls to a user's home or office.

Over the last year mobile VoIP apps have been saving iPhone users money on their phone bills by providing them a free or low cost calling alternative. Call Global looks to further grow consumer saving's by providing a low cost calling alternative that can be used as freely as their cell service.

VoIP heavy hitter, Skype, has recently released their latest version with VoIP over 3G calling capabilities. However, Skype faced a lot of complaints from Web commentators after it also said on Sunday that it would start charging for 3G calls between Skype users next year.

Call Global is not going to impede on consumer saving's by charging an extra fee for VoIP calls made over a 3G network, they are offering this innovation to their customers at no extra cost.

In the months of July Call Global looks to further shake up telecom by releasing the Call Global App on 4 more smart phone platforms. The Call Global App will be available on all versions of BlackBerry, Android, Windows Live & Symbian smart phones.

In the month of June Call Global will also be releasing Version 4.0 of the Call Global App for iPhone's. Version 4.0 will allow users to receive VoIP calls when the app is closed, along with many other new capabilities.

Posted on Jun 14, 2010  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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