HelloSoft Announces The Availability Of Video On Its Mobile Communicator Clients

hellosoft_logo.gifHelloSoft announced at 4G World, the availability of video on its range of communicator offerings for 4G devices. HelloSoft Communicator™ is a client for PC’s, tablets, smartphones and other mobile devices that offers full VOIP, convergence and rich communication suites for mobile devices, and is now enabling support for video calling, sharing and teleconferencing. HelloSoft’s full range of award winning client solutions are available as white label clients for operators around the world and for leading ODM’s and OEMs.

HelloSoft’s comprehensive video processing framework and video QoS technology ensures top quality video under varied network conditions. H.263 and H.264 based video client solutions are available for PC platforms and for mobile platforms such as Android, Windows Mobile, and upcoming for iPhone. Other platforms such as Linux, MAC, and Symbian are under development. This comprehensive offering enables service providers and OEMs quick time to market for presenceenabled rich communication on a wide range of devices.

“HelloSoft’s video offering solves the problem of high quality video calling on resource constrained mobile devices. Service providers, OEMs and mobile application developers can utilize HelloSoft’s easy to integrate video engine or full video client to quickly roll out superior quality, presenceenabled V2OIP on a range of devices, ” says Allan Johnson, HelloSoft’s SVP of Marketing and Product Management.

"GIPS acquisition by Google validates this market,” continued Johnson, “With Google being focused internally on their own products, there is a large gap in the market for this type of solution and GIPS customers may be looking for an upgrade path. HelloSoft’s solution addresses this gap.”

Michael Stanford, an analyst at Wirevolution.com commented:

“40% of Skype calls use video, and now video calling is going mobile, driven by the abundant bandwidth of 4G and Wi-Fi networks, and by the imminent flood of video-calling capable mobile endpoints. High end smartphones increasingly have user-facing cameras; soon hundreds of millions of cell phones and tablets will be video-calling capable. Skype and Facetime are the current volume brand leaders for videophone mobile client software, but as the market develops many service providers will prefer standards-based solutions.”

Posted on Oct 20, 2010  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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