AnVoice VoIP Engine, Enhanced Voice Quality for Android VoIP Applications

Adaptive Digital releases the newest version of AnVoice software, a VoIP Engine for Android. This version includes enhanced voice quality features such as G.722 (wideband audio) with packet loss concealment and dynamic jitter buffer. AnVoice works in a wide variety of Android-based handsets, such as DROID by Motorola, DROID 2 by Motorola, DROID X by Motorola, Nexus One, and Samsung Galaxy in both handset and speakerphone modes.

AnVoice, Adaptive Digital’s VoIP Engine for the Android is a software package that provides voice to Android. It includes all of the voice processing necessary to VoIP-enable an Android application. The core of AnVoice is an Android native-layer application that includes a complete suite of Adaptive Digital’s field-proven telephony, VoIP, and voice quality enhancement algorithms that enable developers to create toll-quality next generation mobile applications for Android/ARM users. The VoIP Engine is supplied with a sample Java application that interfaces to the VoIP Engine native application. The sample application uses the AnVoice API, which in turn uses the Java Native Interface, to setup an RTP/IP to RTP/IP VoIP connection.

VoIP is not a run-of-the-mill Android / Java application. A VoIP on Android application needs to run at both the Java layer and also at the more cumbersome native layer of Android. Writing software at the native layer is complicated not only due to the complexity of Android but also due to the nature of open-source software in general. Additionally, since voice is a real-time phenomenon, a VoIP application requires demanding real-time performance from the cell phones central processing unit as well as from the operating system. Real-time applications currently reside on the bleeding edge of Android technology.

With the current release of AnVoice, Adaptive Digital has made great strides toward a more robust and more universal Android-based VoIP engine.

Posted on Jun 16, 2011  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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