Nimbuzz iPhone app Bridges 3G VoIP Gap

Nimbuzz_iphone.jpgNimbuzz releases its most comprehensive VoIP application for the iPhone. With free Wifi calls to instant messaging buddies already available, new additions include the introduction of a dial-pad and the ability to make VoIP calls to landlines and mobiles via Skype-Out, and Nimbuzz's major SIP provider partners including Gizmo5, Vyke, and SIPgate over Wifi - effectively turning the iPod touch into an iPhone. iPhone users without Wifi connection can make VoIP calls using Nimbuzz Dial-Up VoIP in over 50 countries.

Unique to Nimbuzz is the available credit shown on the users dial-pad when using Skype Out for phone calls to landlines and mobile phones.

Nimbuzz bridges the iPhone VoIP gap by allowing VoIP calls over 3G via its Dial-Up VoIP option in over 50 countries. It allows iPhone users to call (international) mobile and landlines at significantly reduced costs, by dialing a local access number that connects to anywhere in the world via Nimbuzz VoIP servers.

New VoIP call options are available via Nimbuzz's global affiliate SIP partners: Gizmo5, Vyke, SIPgate, and 15 other global players. These additional call networks are seamlessly integrated into the interface to use Nimbuzz for cheap (international) VoIP calls to landlines and mobile phones over Wifi.

Another feature allows Twitter updates via the Personal Message option. Popular communities, including Skype, Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, ICQ, Google Talk, AIM, and social networks such as Facebook and MySpace are already supported with call and chat options.

The additional iPhone SIP calling functionality will be promoted via a two week online banner campaign on partner sites Gizmo5, Vyke, and SIPgate.

Posted on Mar 19, 2009  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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