fgVOIP Provides Blackberry Users with the Best VoIP Call Quality on the Market

fg microtec announces the availability of the fgVOIP app for BlackBerry, which allows SIP-enabled VoIP calls on all Blackberry OS 4.6 and OS 5.0 devices with unrivalled call clarity. fgVOIP app for BlackBerry enables high quality, low-delay VoIP calls via SIP on all Wi-Fi enabled OS 4.6 and OS 5.0 devices, including the BlackBerry Curve 8520, 8900 & 9000 as well as the BlackBerry Bold 9700.

fgVOIP's Click2Dial feature lets callers make VoIP calls in exactly the same way as regular GSM calls. With Click2Dial, whenever the user makes a call using the standard BlackBerry dialler, the call is automatically routed over VoIP when in range of a Wi-Fi network - no user intervention is required. Calls made whilst outside Wi-Fi range use the cellular network as normal. Users can also choose to enable or disable VoIP calls for specific numbers through an exclusion list.

fgVOIP app for BlackBerry works with hosted VoIP and PBX services enabling businesses to use their BlackBerry devices as extensions on the company PBX. When staff are in the office calls are automatically directed through the PBX, in effect turning the BlackBerry into a desk phone that can be carried with you.

fgVOIP comes pre-configured with a SIP provider so customers can make calls straight away; fgVOIP can also be configured to work with other SIP providers (e.g. Vonage, InPhonex, Cloudnet, sipgate and Localphone).

To watch a short demonstration video of fgVOIP calls via an Asterisk PBX and a third party SIP provider see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5BYNw0638w.

Posted on Dec 01, 2010  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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