Update: I received an email informing me that the Chinese New Year begins exactly at 9:00am U.S. PST on Feb. 18th for those in China and Vietnam. So now you can help celebrate the second it happens!
Pingo announces free calls to China and Vietnam from February 18 through March 4, 2007 to celebrate the Lunar New Year Festival season. Also known as Chinese New Year and the Spring Festival, the fifteen day period annually prompts the largest volume of travel and long-distance calling to those countries as Chinese and Vietnamese people worldwide honor the holiday’s traditional emphasis on family gatherings.
Pingo calls are carried over The iBasis Network -- the most extensive international Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) network in existence – directly serving more than 100 countries and enabling customers to enjoy the cost-savings of Internet telephony while using regular fixed and mobile phones.
"Pingo can help families that are separated by many miles to stay close throughout the year by enabling them to call more often and talk longer," said Ofer Gneezy, president and CEO of iBasis. "Because of the efficiency of our network and our buying power as a leading wholesale carrier we’re able to offer this special incentive to encourage those with family in China or Vietnam to join them for the holidays, at least over the phone, and then continue saving with Pingo."